Monthly Archives: January 2023

Culture Healers are Servants Who Possess the Power to Shift Atmospheres 

When Jesus was in the process of discipling those who were following him, they often argued about position in the Kingdom and who was the greatest among them. Jesus’ response to them was that whoever desired to be great must be a servant (Matthew 20:26). He was drawing a distinction for his disciples, as he […]

How the Left Behind Reboot Holds Great Promise for Present-Day Evangelism 

There can be no doubt that the days in which we are living are faced with great challenges. It seems like almost daily we are hearing great and troubling things in the news and people everywhere are looking for hope. When the events of September 11, 2001, occurred, it sparked a great interest in many to find answers to the questions they had by going to church or praying as never before.

Challenging Narratives 

It’s interesting to see the shift that has taken effect over the last few decades. As a child, I was always taught that the sciences and specifically the scientific method were a means of looking at things in search of truth or what could be known. I was taught that it was a process of […]

From John the Baptist to MLK Jr.

Reading through the Bible, you will see how radical many people are when it comes to what they believe and what they are called to be and stand for. John the Baptist is known as a forerunner of Jesus. He declared that one greater than himself was coming and was the one who had been prophesied as the messiah (Matthew 3:1-3). Today, some might say that John was “savage;” not because of how he lived but because of his radical ministry. 

Don’t Let a Politically Correct Spirit Compromise Your Witness 

If there is one thing that you can be certain of, it’s that Jesus was not moved by a spirit of political correctness. Everything he taught and did in ministry went contrary to the prevailing culture of his day. While he fulfilled the law of Moses, he elevated it to what it was purposed for, not what it had become under those who were among the scribes, rabbinical elders, and leaders of that time. Jesus taught his disciples to be different and to walk according to a different spirit.


A few days ago, I made a social media post that had an image of a horse with blinders on. In that post, I pointed out the importance of focus and how it will be important to have a focus this year. As I’ve been pondering this further, I could not help but think that I should dig deeper into this idea, as I believe that there is more that can be said about the need for it.

The Move Towards Being a Resource 

When Rosh Hashanah 2022 came around, which began the Hebrew year 5783, I did not do a post in which I presented any of my insights for what I believed it prophetically meant for the new year. As this Hebrew year carries through into the year 2023, I still struggled with whether or not to share anything, as there has already been sufficient time passed and voices greater than mine who have thoroughly spoken on it. However, I believe that now the time has come where I can share a few insights that I believe will provide encouragement and even a sense of focus for the year ahead.

This is the Year to Stand 

I’ve taken courage and strength from Ephesians 6, which reminds me that I must put on the whole armor of God so that I might be equipped for the battle. What has continued to be a source of encouragement is the number of times that I’ve had people prophesy that chapter over my life. One such time came during my first semester in the School of Divinity. At the conclusion of our first class in Spiritual Formation, our professor took the time to prophesy over each and every student in the class. As she got to me, the scripture that she quoted came directly from Ephesians chapter 6.

Living Proof

A Day Comes When You Are Not Afraid To Share Your Testimony!

Get A Life

Discovering the life that began after my comfort zone

Uniquely Yours Ministries

Encourage. Uplift. Inspire.


Immanuel, praise His name by all means necessary!



MyPraise 102.5, Atlanta, Inspiration, Gospel, Radio, WPZE

Atlanta's Inspiration Radio Station | Gospel radio station, gospel news, Stellar Awards, exclusive celebrity interviews, WPZE, Atlanta events, radio sweepstakes, Get Up! Mornings With Erica Campbell, Willie Moore JR. Show, entertainment news, southern recipes, and lifestyle advice.

Biblical Exhortations, Devotionals & Poetry

My tongue is the Pen of a Ready Writer Ps. 45:1