Monthly Archives: October 2015

Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Blab?

Within the last year, there have been many innovations in the area of social media technology and communication. With the introduction of Periscope and Blab, I’ve been able to observe those changes and even engage in ways I never previously perceived I’d be able to. If you’re looking at the title of this blog and […]

Why You Need To Pray For Every Teacher

Let’s just start with the obvious. Teachers are among the most underpaid and underappreciated people that exist in society. They put up with virtually a much crap as plumbers and waste management workers. As I’ve been spending the last few weeks praying for everything under the sun, I have to say that one of the […]

Why the Mountain of Media is So Important

Today concludes the prayer focus on the seven mountains of cultural influence. It’s an amazing thing to realize that these seven areas have so much power and strength to shape and direct hearts and thoughts for good or evil. It is also why it is so important to know where you personally have been called. […]

Why You Need to Pray For the Mountain of Religion

Yesterday, many of us spent our morning in worship in our local church. Some of us have grown up having a faith in God while others may have discovered what that really is through the process of time and whatever spiritual journey our lives have placed us on. Whatever the circumstances may be, it is quite […]

Are You Willing to Commit to God All of You?

It’s has been a wonderful journey to commit to a full month of strategic praying. As I have dedicated myself to prayer this month, I have been amazed by how it has focused me with such a  greater intentional pursuit of God‘s will. Not just a pursuit for self, but a pursuit for the state of […]

What Millennials Think of Christians Is Startling

As I sat in church listening to my pastor speak to the congregation about baptism and specifically baptizing in the name of Jesus, I could not help but pause for a moment as he began to recount how he’d read a poll of what millennials thought about Christians. I knew that deep down it wasn’t something […]

Do You Know What Is Good and What is God?

Today I began reading a great book called Good or God by John Bevere. In the first chapter, he brings up an observation about Eve in the Garden. In it, he points to the fact that it wasn’t the evil part of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil that she was attracted […]

Answering A Call to Pray for Repentance in the Family

I am so amazed by the heart of everyone who have recognized that now is a time or strategic prayer. Many who have elected to join me during the month of October in prayer have become a source of encouragement to me. It truly is refreshing to know that I am not alone in recognizing […]

Don’t Stop Praying in the Midst of Resistance

So we are five days into the first week of this month. If, you been keeping up with me, you’ll know that I’ve asked you to set aside this month of October to pray. There has been so much that has happened in that time that I can hardly contain myself. I know there have […]

Why This Month Has Been Devoted to Prayer

So the month of September has now passed by without so much as another thought for most people. The month of October has seemingly come in just as quickly and quietly as it pleases. Yet, for some strange reason, you can sense that something is obviously different is happening. It’s like the whole world is […]

Living Proof

A Day Comes When You Are Not Afraid To Share Your Testimony!

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Discovering the life that began after my comfort zone

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Immanuel, praise His name by all means necessary!



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Biblical Exhortations, Devotionals & Poetry

My tongue is the Pen of a Ready Writer Ps. 45:1