Monthly Archives: June 2015

Why Square Pegs Will Never Fit Your Round Hole

Do you remember as a child playing with those geometric blocks that were designed to teach you about shapes? I think we all have at some point in our childhood. I remember when one of my children was being tested for school that one of the tests included those very set of blocks with the […]

Empower Your Body and Get a Boost From Nitric Oxide

Many of you are aware by now that I was born with Sickle Cell Anemia. The National Institute of Health describes Sickle Cell Anemia as “a group of inherited red blood cell disorders. People with SCD have abnormal hemoglobin, called hemoglobin S or sickle hemoglobin, in their red blood cells.” They go further in the […]

Courageously Plotting The New Virginia Economy

Terry McAuliffe, the Governor of the State of Virginia made a bold move on Tuesday by requesting the swift removal of Confederate flags from specialty state license plates, sparking a new debate over what exactly that banner means in the eyes of the citizens. Many who hold fast to the belief that it is merely […]

How To Prepare For The Coming Shift of The Church

I’ve often mentioned how I’ve learned a great deal in my life about everything by watching television. As I’ve been reflecting recently about some things that I’ve watched over the years, my attention was drawn to how I’ve always been a fan of the original Star Trek and quite a few of the series spin-offs. […]

Father’s Day is an Opportunity to Learn By Example

Recently I decided to take another run through the book of Proverbs. As I was reading on one particular day I came across the fourth chapter in which Solomon points out the invaluable gift it was for him to have received great wisdom and understanding from the example set by his father David. It reminded […]

4 Ways to Save Your Brain This Summer

When I was growing up, one of the things I learned said, “Whether the weather is cold or whether the weather is hot, we’ll weather the weather, whatever the weather; whether we like it or not!” Essentially, this is the reality about life. You can’t change the weather, and unless you live in a climate […]

Discipleship is a Process in Maturity

As I’ve given my attention to what it means to be a disciple and how Jesus went about making disciples, the one thing that I’ve come to understand is that discipleship is a process in maturity. This means that discipleship is specifically designed to develop a person from one level of understanding to another. Paul […]

What You Can Do When You Are Distracted

Lately, I’ve noticed that there seems to be a great deal of distraction that has taken the attention of the Body of Christ off of the mission we’ve been called to, which is to make disciples. The call to make disciples is at the core of our commissioning as followers of Christ. The distractions of […]

Scars Don’t Have to be Scary

There are some people who hate the scars that line their bodies. There are others who actually fear scars and what it will do to their physical appearance. However, unless you’re a doctor or my wife, it is quite unlikely that you would never even know or see the scars that are on my body. […]

Living Proof

A Day Comes When You Are Not Afraid To Share Your Testimony!

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Biblical Exhortations, Devotionals & Poetry

My tongue is the Pen of a Ready Writer Ps. 45:1