Monthly Archives: June 2013

This or That

I’ve watched my share of reality shows over the last several years. There are no end to the number of dating shows, whereby someone can get advice, or help finding the person that they hope will become the one that he or she can spend the rest of their life with. There were the game […]


Some people embrace it with eyes wide open. Some people dread it with every fiber of their being. Some people base their life on it, making it a part of their campaign. Some people fight it, expecting that in doing so, they’ll prevent what is invariably inevitable. It is said that, “the only constant in […]

Battle of the Bulge

Just this past week the American Medical Association deemed that obesity is a disease. This most recent declaration has not gone over without massive controversy and debate. People from both sides of the issue are boiling because of what it could mean, not just for people who are dealing with obesity, but for those who […]

Only In HIS Kingdom

It is such an amazing thing to consider the awesome greatness and graciousness of God’s Kingdom. We’ve heard people sing songs by psalmist Israel Houghton; songs like Friend of God or No Limits, No Boundaries. I don’t know about you, but when I hear these songs, my mind and spirit are taken on journeys many times. Just recently at […]

Living Proof

A Day Comes When You Are Not Afraid To Share Your Testimony!

Get A Life

Discovering the life that began after my comfort zone

Uniquely Yours Ministries

Encourage. Uplift. Inspire.


Immanuel, praise His name by all means necessary!



MyPraise 102.5, Atlanta, Inspiration, Gospel, Radio, WPZE

Atlanta's Inspiration Radio Station | Gospel radio station, gospel news, Stellar Awards, exclusive celebrity interviews, WPZE, Atlanta events, radio sweepstakes, Get Up! Mornings With Erica Campbell, Willie Moore JR. Show, entertainment news, southern recipes, and lifestyle advice.

Biblical Exhortations, Devotionals & Poetry

My tongue is the Pen of a Ready Writer Ps. 45:1