Monthly Archives: March 2013

He Went Down To Bring Us Up

All over the world there are people in the midst of celebration. The people of Israel are celebrating and remembering when their people were delivered from Egyptian oppression and are in the midst of Passover. Many Christians are recognizing that this time is also a time not to be missed, seeing the significance in it […]

When You Realize You’re An Information Hoarder

I love my wife completely. It’s because of the things she does. I find her fascinating because in many situations, she gets me thinking about things that otherwise I might not have ever even thought about. What makes us good together is that we like many of the same things, yet it is often the […]

Passion Week

This week is Passion Week, the week leading up to Resurrection Day. Many people are more familiar with the term Easter, but many of the things surrounding the commercialized holiday have little to do with the resurrection of Christ and any of the things that lead up to it, let alone what it means for […]

The Reasons Why This Pope Is Not The Last

With yesterday’s confirmation of Pope Francis I, it has sparked a considerable amount of criticism and debate among many people for numerous reasons. One in particular could not escape me. It has been one that came up before with the passing of Pope John Paul II and the appointment of Pope Benedict XVI. It was […]

A License to Kill

Recent events in the news and tabloids have caused me to consider a few things of late. What is it that causes people to be so flippant with the words they throw around? Do they not know the weight that they carry; the life or death that is in them? I’ve spoken before about the […]

Why Did He Break Up With Me

Everywhere you turn today, it seems as though people all over are either getting into or out of a relationship of one kind or another for a myriad of reasons. There are probably as many books on the subject of relationships as there are definitions people have come up with for them. Why Did He […]

Following Directions

Whether you’re reading a map, a blueprint, a cook book, or the assembly manual for your newest technology, appliance or household fixture, you have to be able to follow directions. I can remember when my wife and I had our first baby and we had to put together the crib. After checking all of the […]

Living Proof

A Day Comes When You Are Not Afraid To Share Your Testimony!

Get A Life

Discovering the life that began after my comfort zone

Uniquely Yours Ministries

Encourage. Uplift. Inspire.


Immanuel, praise His name by all means necessary!



MyPraise 102.5, Atlanta, Inspiration, Gospel, Radio, WPZE

Atlanta's Inspiration Radio Station | Gospel radio station, gospel news, Stellar Awards, exclusive celebrity interviews, WPZE, Atlanta events, radio sweepstakes, Get Up! Mornings With Erica Campbell, Willie Moore JR. Show, entertainment news, southern recipes, and lifestyle advice.

Biblical Exhortations, Devotionals & Poetry

My tongue is the Pen of a Ready Writer Ps. 45:1