Author Archives: APreachasKid

Resurrection Day: Now is not the Time for Compromise! 

We live in a day where we see a cultural shift in every nation. In America, it is apparent that its foundational Judeo-Christian roots do not appear as strong or healthy as they once were. Pastors are now condoning things once unheard of a mere generation or two ago. In one sense, it is apparent that the change is a result of ministry leaders who have embraced a “progressive” philosophy. However, this “progressive” philosophy runs contrary to an uncompromising gospel. In another sense, this change is a result of some who believe that the church must change to remain relevant to a changing world. This too conflicts with an unchanging God and gospel. 

The Wars and Doors Amid Culture Healing in 2024 

Hopefully, by this time you have had enough time to get acclimated to the new year. It’s been amazing to see how many people have declared that this will be a year of either doors or wars. I can see the potential for both wars and doors. I see doors as the open possibilities of […]

Prophetic Insights for Rosh Hashanah 2023 – The Hebraic Year 5784 

Beginning September 15, 2023 through September 17, 2023, Jews and many Christians will be celebrating the Jewish New Year, also known as Yom Teruah. In previous years, I’ve shared a few thoughts on the prophetic significances that I’ve found surrounding the incoming year and how we as Christians can press into it. I want to share […]

When Christians Want to Be Righteous and Rachet 

Over the last few weeks, I’ve been seeing the debate happening on social media. It’s not a new debate. I do however think that it cycles as we begin to see more and more people who claim to be followers of Christ or call themselves Christian. Both media and the entertainment industry have played a major role in blurring the lines and creating the open door that draws Christians into this non-Biblical worldview. I suppose my recent brush with death has stirred me, so I want to share a few thoughts for consideration for those who feel that it’s okay to be righteous and rachet. 

Understanding the Purpose of the Net 

In the process of discipling, Jesus announced to Peter that he would make him a fisher of men. Peter understood fishing but had no idea what that meant to be a fisher of men. Peter was an experienced fisherman who was good at what he did. Yet, I can imagine Jesus’ charge to him to […]

Lessons from the Jesus Revolution 

I had the sheer joy of going to see the new movie The Jesus Revolution this weekend with my wife. It is a movie based on a book of the same title written by pastor and author Greg Laurie who was present during the “Jesus Movement” that spanned from the end of the 1960s into the early 1970s. There can be no mistaking that it is very fitting that it has come out right at a time that a new revival is sparking on college campuses and even some churches around the country.

Barriers to Communication 

Over the last few weeks, I have been listening to one of the prophets as he has been going through some teachings to bring realignment to relationships. To be specific, it has been primarily the relationship between husbands and wives. While he has also been speaking on our relationship with God, money, and culture at large, it has uniquely been focused on the relationship between men and women in marriage.

Culture Healers are Servants Who Possess the Power to Shift Atmospheres 

When Jesus was in the process of discipling those who were following him, they often argued about position in the Kingdom and who was the greatest among them. Jesus’ response to them was that whoever desired to be great must be a servant (Matthew 20:26). He was drawing a distinction for his disciples, as he […]

How the Left Behind Reboot Holds Great Promise for Present-Day Evangelism 

There can be no doubt that the days in which we are living are faced with great challenges. It seems like almost daily we are hearing great and troubling things in the news and people everywhere are looking for hope. When the events of September 11, 2001, occurred, it sparked a great interest in many to find answers to the questions they had by going to church or praying as never before.

Challenging Narratives 

It’s interesting to see the shift that has taken effect over the last few decades. As a child, I was always taught that the sciences and specifically the scientific method were a means of looking at things in search of truth or what could be known. I was taught that it was a process of […]

Living Proof

A Day Comes When You Are Not Afraid To Share Your Testimony!

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Biblical Exhortations, Devotionals & Poetry

My tongue is the Pen of a Ready Writer Ps. 45:1