Tag Archives: government

Challenging Narratives 

It’s interesting to see the shift that has taken effect over the last few decades. As a child, I was always taught that the sciences and specifically the scientific method were a means of looking at things in search of truth or what could be known. I was taught that it was a process of […]

Something Has to Change 

Think of all the times you’ve said the same thing. You say to yourself that you wish you saw a change in the government. You say you wish you saw a change in Hollywood. You’ve probably said you wish you saw a change in your relationships or in the trajectory of your career. Whatever the case may be, when you discover that thing that needs to change, the reality is that you may not necessarily be able to change the large or abstract thing directly. There are times when the easiest thing that you can do is to change yourself or your perspective. 

Is the Church Ready to Be the Church – [Part 3]

I find that I have been asking myself this one question quite frequently lately. Why this question? Simply because there are so many Christians who have been expecting a great harvest (and we should). There can be no doubt that the stage is being set daily and the world is being primed for a great […]

Rosh Hashanah 2019: The Shift is Coming

I have been hearing and seeing a shift taking place in this season. As many in the body of Christ are preparing to join their Hebrew brothers and sisters in the celebration of the Jewish New Year 5780, it is opening the eyes, hearts, and minds of many to see what God is about to […]

An Age Of Distinction

The Church is entering a time in which God is creating a distinction between those who are truly His and those who are merely having a form of godliness. This presents a great challenge for many who are the faithful. It’s a challenge because as those who truly have a heart to represent God and His Kingdom […]

The Turnaround Conference

  February 22, 2018 is perhaps a day that passed by for most as uneventful. Sure, there are some who will recall that it is George Washington’s birthday, the first president of the United States. However, fewer will realize it as the day of the Turnaround. Those who are aware of the Turnaround Conference will […]

The Power of Your Eyes – [Part Six]

I’ve been really excited about this new year thus far and I pray that you have been also. As you may be aware, I’ve spent the last few weeks sharing in a series the power of your eyes; especially as it pertains to the influence you can have on the mountain of culture that God has called you to […]

How 2017 Became the Year of the Unprecedented

Whether you believe in the prophetic or not, there can be no denying that the year 2017 was a year of unprecedented things. Many people looked to the year as being the year of the clashing swords, the year of the triple crown or the comeback, or the year of divine completion. For many people, those prophetic […]

Is Freedom Really Free to All?

As many people prepare themselves to head out to the park, or their back yard to set up their barbecues, picnics, or blankets and chairs for the night time fireworks display meant to commemorate the freedom that was won the day this nation declared it’s independence from Europe, it would seem that it was only a few […]

It’s All In How You Rise

“Early to be, early to rise, makes one happy, wealthy and wise.” We’ve all heard these words from as early as in our youth. As much as you might be put off by the notion of waking up early, there is no mistaking how beneficial having a good start to your day can be for […]

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My tongue is the Pen of a Ready Writer Ps. 45:1